Intro To Greyson


My name is Greyson Bourgeois and I am from Austin, Texas. I am a dual degree student which means that I spent my first 3 years of college at Grinnell College in Iowa studying computer science, and am now at WUSTL earning a second bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering alongside a masters degree in Electrical Engineering. I am really excited for this opportunity to work at SAB in Joburg. I am looking forward to learning all about the brewing process and getting to see South Africa. I am hoping to get to see some of the safaris and museums while I am in Johannesburg, as well as learn more about the culture in South Africa. I also hope to get to try some local food while I am there since I like to cook and eat new foods.

Ill be posting more on this blog as I work in South Africa, uploading pictures and experiences of my time working with SAB.


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